RL Offshore Sdn. Bhd. (964977-U)




SUBSEA Hydraulic Power Unit (HPUs)





    Subsea Hydraulic Power Units (HPUs) are essentially used to supply hydraulic pressure to the valve actuators. In most cases, accumulators are often used as part of the system. Accumulators function as storage facilities and are sized in accordance to the number of cycles required to operate the required valves in the event of shutdown or system failure in the vessel without activating the pump stations in the system. The pump stations in return charge up the accumulators with respect to the pressure required and timing given.

    Subsea supply, reservoir level, system pressures, control modules and pump status are all monitored and feedback to the internal controls of the Subsea Hydraulic Power Units (HPUs). This provides valuable data and system data to the user which utilize common protocols used in vessel for total vessel control system management.

    Hydraulic Power Units
    > Generation and storage of hydraulic pressure using oil/water based fluids at pressures in excess of 1,000 barg 
    > For wellhead control or subsea distribution